Seminary Program

This is where we post the essays from many of our Universal Life Church Seminary students. When students finish a ULC course, they write a comprehensive essay about their experiences with the course, what they learned, didn't learn, were inspired by, etc. Here are their essays.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wiccan Studies

Lessons Of Life In Wicca
By Rev James Chambers

       There are many lessons that we have all gone through in the course of life and through ULC and I have learned a lot through the course of both. I have learned about the powers with in every living cell of the body and how they come to life in the very presence of time and space when you are in your sacred space all alone but yet so very much not alone for even the wind sounds out a tune of worship when on your knees in the very presence of the Divine or Goddess that it's hard to say how you ever lived without her in your daily life. I've learned that even the trees have a breath of life, a spark of hope, a shimmer of praise in the very presence of her grace. I learned to be one with myself and the universe and that in doing so I have everything I need or will ever need right at my thoughts, all I have to do is think it and it's on its way. I've learned that it is not in how, why or even when you come to this realization of the love of the Goddess, but only that you will and we all will in our on time and it only matters  that we do realize that she is calling all her children saying Let the sleeping giants arise, Let my people call my name once more upon this land and I shall walk with thee.
Drink from me and I shall give you life, power and freedom. I shall give you all your hearts desires. When this time shall come a cloud shall descend upon you all in my name and you shall be filled with power and blessings to descend to the next plane. Come out from the woods my children! Come out! This is one of the greatest courses on Wicca I have ever taken online it would benefit even the strongest of hearts to take this course. Thank you so much for your stance in this world. Blessed be.        
Rev. James Chambers


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