Seminary Program

This is where we post the essays from many of our Universal Life Church Seminary students. When students finish a ULC course, they write a comprehensive essay about their experiences with the course, what they learned, didn't learn, were inspired by, etc. Here are their essays.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Christian Studies

After reading the book,  I was really fascinated by the deep message of the Gospels, and also the image of Jesus, as described in the Gospels, was enhanced in all His aspects, some of them unrevealed to my knowledge.

I can say that the most important message of the Gospels relies in the teachings of Jesus intended as the source of Christianity.

These teachings have been reported in the Gospels as very vital words to apply to everyday’s life: we can state that  the message clue  is based on the  importance to be merciful, to forgive, to seek goodness, to respect others, to be kind and humble.

These messages have a deep meaning therein contained:  it is important to be merciful because our Father is merciful to us; we have to love our enemy and forgive because of this law; we do not have to harm the others even if they are not good with us, otherwise God will not be merciful to us;  we have to love and feel compassionate towards our enemies so that we can behave like our Father and to receive the same good attitudes to us.  In my opinion God through Jesus words is not giving a catalogue of things to do or not to do on a severe way, but these teachings are an indication to act in our life, not because  to gain good from others on an egoistic and selfish requirement, but rather to completely change our mind and make all our thoughts and behaviours as a natural way to be good, without any constriction or obligation; the change will take place in our life without we can even perceive it, but the result will be great for us and for others, a real food for our soul.  As a matter of fact,  Jesus gave His life for us and did not blame or punish the enemies; His death is the symbol of his love towards us and His loss of judge, only an example of prayer and compassion.  We should know that we have first to love ourself, which means to respect ourselves on the physical and spiritual level, in order to have consciounsness of our behaviours towards the others; we should meditate on this concept because it represents  the basis to get a better opinion of ourselves and consequently of all the others; to be compassionate implies ourselves at the very beginning, all the further steps will take place inevitably to an outerment direction.

The teaching about seeking Goodness can be interpreted as to show all the good powers and possibilities we have inside our heart in respect to others; good things will result in more good things in our life and in everybody’s life; God wants our happiness and goodness  and Jesus teachings are the way to reach this condition; on the contrary bad things may only produce evil and negativity in our life, and will negatively affect all the others’ life, unfortunately enough; God wants our well-being and love us, no bad behaviours or thoughts can be included in this concept. We have to love each other the same way He loves us, no question at all.
The teaching of respecting Others is strong and even difficult for most of us; it means that  the respect of others  is strictly connected with our possibility to love our enemies, to be peaceful, to feel compassion, to forgive; in this way we have to become humble and our life will be positively transformed because we become ourselves a tool of love for everybody who needs to be helped,  to be loved.

The same teaching of being kind is on the same level; in short we can say that we will receive the same things we are capable of giving to others; if you are kind, maybe others will be kind to you, if you respect others, they will respect you;  you do not have to expect and claim, this is not the rule, as clearly explained before:  Jesus is a living example of respect and forgiveness, the utmost expression of love towards every single human being, despite they are bad, false, enemy and so on.

In the Gospels one of the most important passage is the Sermon of  the Mount on Beatitudes where we can really understand the spirit of God through Jesus words; this sermon helps everyone to take comfort in all negative situations and gives everybody a message of hope and love; every time I read this passage I tear because of its beauty and deep meaning; if  each of us simply follows these teachings, all our life will be transformed and all our relationships will improve; these teachings are directed to every single person in the world and everyone can follow them. It is not so easy to be a real Christian because we have to overcome all the bad and negative aspects of our personality, however just making an effort, trying to apply all the Jesus teachings in our life, it can be a small step towards an opening of our heart and a positive change affecting all the aspects of our existence.

The Beatitudes:
1And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:3"Blessed are the poor in spirit,  For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4Blessed are those who mourn,   For they shall be comforted. 5Blessed are the meek,    For they shall inherit the earth. 6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,    For they shall be filled.  7Blessed are the merciful,
    For they shall obtain mercy. 8Blessed are the pure in heart,    For they shall see God. 9Blessed are the peacemakers,    For they shall be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake,    For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11"Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Thank you and best regards.
Manuela Fasoli

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.
The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training
As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chaplaincy Studies

 Religious ethics and Military Chaplaincy.
Colin Burgess C.D.C


Chaplains in the military have always played an important role in promoting the morale and well being of a nations soldiers.

A biblical example of chaplains in the military can be found in 1 Samuel. It was Samuels duty to offer the pre-war sacrifice in chapter 13 prior to Israel going to fight the Philistines. Saul in this case was rebuked by Samuel when he could wait no longer for Samuel to show up, and he took the duty upon himself.

Here is a demonstration of two offices, both clergy and the nations ruler, and how they are supposed to work together even though the procedure was not followed properly.
Ethics, or "moral philosophy", could be defined as ideas of "right and wrong" that govern our choices.
In some cases ethics stem from our background or prejudices. For instance if I have gotten away with lying my whole life, and suffered no punishment for it, my ethics would not have been formed around the idea that lying is a problem. However being one who does not want to be stolen from, I have formed a personal ethic which many share, that since I don't want to be stolen from, perhaps I should not steal from others.
Some people and cultures introduce a new set of ethics to their system through their politics, or through their theology. So now not only are these ethics personal, they are now corporate making all men and women equal under one set of rules.
The 10 commandments in Exodus 20:13 says "You shall not murder.", everyone whether slave or free, man or woman, rich or poor is held accountable to this standard of not taking another person's life.
Homosexuality is currently a hotly debated issue. The Bible, both Jewish and Christian, and the Quran have rules against this. However there are people who do not subject themselves to the standards of Christendom or Islam. This is the best scenario where not every individual shares the same ethics. Since this is a case where another person's decision does not affect anyone outside of the homosexual relationship(s)
(with of course the exception of rape or underage encounter) it is in sharp contrast to the ethics we share as a society of not murdering, or stealing. Therefore I as a Christian no matter my opinions or views cannot impose my standard of right and wrong in this case, after all what goodness is actually found in forced goodness?
What position does this put the Christian Padre in if a member of the CF is violating this standard of Biblical ethics? I have to say no position at all. The person who is contravening the said ethical standard has perhaps not chosen to subject themselves to these rules. Unless the party confides in the Padre nothing can be said of the act in question. This choice they have made does not affect their duties.
With this being said it is crucial for the Padre to fully realise his or her role in the CF and to not interfere with the day to day operations required of a military. The exception being if an outside party has expressed concern for another members well being, and even this must be addressed with absolute confidence and the members best interest kept in mind. Knowing where the grey areas exist, and when to act as a uniformed chaplain vs. a non-uniformed chaplain is like knowing not to mix apples and oranges. So in other words, the professional must be kept separate from the personal in some cases.
``The chaplain's job is not to be a unit's cheerleader but to be

its conscience. Chaplains should be prepared to deliver ethical
training and provide ethical advice when asked. Paragraph 8 of this
chapter refers to the chaplain's need to exercise a ministry of prophecy
in assisting the unit to attain the highest ethical standard``
- Chapter 2.45 of the CF Chaplaincy manual.

Military Chaplaincy.
The role of a Padre is not to make the troops "feel better" to make them better for war, but unfortunately war is a reality. Where there is war or peacekeeping there are people, and where there are people different beliefs come into play. Whether it be in a nursing home, or in a battlefield these people no matter where they are need their spiritual needs tended to.

In the case of a military people are away from their homes for long periods of time, and their families are also sharing in their own types of stress while a member is deployed.

Without specifying the belief system this creates a need for a padre overseas with the troops, as well as at home with their families.

Sometimes this need could be for someone to talk to about being away from home, or to provide comfort in the last moments of life. In other cases where disputes exist among groups the padre may need to mediate, or provide a way for people to solve their differences to promote a better workplace.

For instance a Private who has no authority may be having work related issues with a supervisor. Whether the supervisor is out of line or not a padre is someone who can step in as an impartial party to see what can be done about the situation, or refer the members to a dispute resolution counselor.

The trust between a member, and his/her family can only be obtained over time. This involves confidentiality with the exception of "when there is a reasonable chance that the

counseled may pose a threat to others or to themselves, when there is
indication of the abuse of minors, and when ordered by a court of law."
- CF Chaplaincy manual. (Chapter 2.11) The chaplain must advise the person seeking counsel what the limits are on the confidentiality. "The chaplain is part of the unit leadership team. Chaplains work with other officers, senior

non-commissioned members, and the commanding officer to solve problems at the lowest level. A chaplain has the unique ability to discover personnel problems and help solve
them at the appropriate level of the chain of command. By being
proactive, the chaplain assists in building unit morale."
- CF Chaplaincy manual (Chapter 2.27)
The job of a chaplain is very unique because they have privileged access to all members, and have no commanding authority. This allows for a special trust as long as the member allows for it.
The chaplains who work the closest to the troops are typically the ones who the troops will trust the most such as the Rev. P.M. O'Leary, VD, of the royal Canadian Regiment.
"When the troops were under fire he was everywhere: encouraging this one and praying for that one." - CF Chaplaincy manual. Another role of a padre could be to liaise between the military and civillian groups. For instance it could be the duty of a padre to learn the customs of another country before a military moves into it so as to not offend anyone unnecessarily by means jokes or inappropriate t-shirts.
- "As a staff officer the chaplain functions as a specialist advisor

and has direct access to the commander. The chaplain is responsible
to the commander for planning and implementing religious support
programs and ministry activities within the commander's area of
responsibility. The chaplain advises the commander and other staff on
matters of spirituality, ethics, morale, and religious accommodation."
Also refer to Chapter 2.34 CF Chaplaincy manual. The chaplain is supposed to familiarize themselves with other religions whether the beliefs are shared or not. This is not only to avoid escalating a situation but to also interact with their peers and to work alongside with them.

Working with other beliefs.
Any unit in the CF is built on teamwork, and the chaplaincy is no exception. No matter what religion all CF chaplains share a common goal, and that is the well being of the troops.
The CF Chaplaincy manual chapter 2.24 puts it well, "…this is a multi-faith profession.". While not sharing the beliefs of other chaplains a dependency exists in which different faiths rely on each other to achieve the goal in mind, much like the infantry depends on the work provided by the artillery and the combat engineers.
Personal beliefs and duty.
It is not the duty of the padre to convert people to his/her belief system, since the troops as a whole are not his/her "flock" in the way members of a church congregation are, since they voluntarily attend the said spiritual community, it is the duty of the padre to pray for their well being. To do otherwise would be spiritual malpractice. It is however the duty of a Christian (padre or not) to be "feasting" upon the word of God in accordance with Deuteronomy 6:6 - "These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be upon your heart." and 1 Peter 3:15 - " …being ready to make a defence to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence."

A pastor must be available to the people trusting them, either through pastors or elders underneath them.
"Every soldier has the right to see a chaplain at any time. This is a fundamental right that chaplains must ensure is respected at every level of the chain of command. The leadership of a unit must be reminded of the dividend that is realized when soldiers know that this
resource (their chaplain) is available at any time.``
- CF Chaplaincy manual (Chapter 2.36.)
I will put Chapter 2.37 into my own words since it is a mandate every padre must clearly understand and not just be regurgitated.

Some people are outright cynical towards religion, so the personification of religion such as a padre would be detestable to them. They may have suffered a loss and they blame God the one whom you represent. You may be the last person they want to talk with. However your prayers will get through to them, and when the person does decide to confide in you be ready with ``gentleness and reverence.``

While living out the beliefs I stand for to the best of my ability, I must also live out to the best of my ability the rules of the military so as to not discredit the beliefs I stand for.

After all what I stand for as a Christian is my first objective, and this can only be done by living out a life of integrity and fitting in with the people I wish to work with.

So many more things are left to be explained in much further detail, much of which I am not qualified to get fully into without taking the Phase training of a military chaplain.

However I hope this essay gives insight into my beliefs; knowledge and the intended application of them both. I look forward to contributing them to serving the well being of the Canadian Forces at home and abroad.



The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have various classes in Christianity, one on Wicca, along with several Pagan courses, more than a few courses about Metaphysics with more being added regularly.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, legal and lasts for life, so please take advantage of our Free Online Ordination.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and am proud to have started the Seminary.



Reverend George Parsons

As with all of the other discourses taken at Universal Life Ministry, a final exam is required to receive the diploma in the discourse.  This final exam is the form of a 600 word (or more) essay on what you learned, did not learn, liked, disliked, and the list goes on. 

The Masters of Gnosticism course truly opened my eyes to all of the various religions in the world of yesterday and today and how it seems to be re-immerging to assist in the development of the future.   I realize how most people cannot accept the teachings of Gnosticism, since it causes one to search for the inner Light in themselves through knowledge.  Most people would rather sit back in their comfort zone and hit the "I believe" button of the religion that they learned as a child.  They are the ones that walk around with a blindfold and refuse to accept that what they perceive as correct in religion could be in error, or not complete.

The fact that most of today's major religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all have a Gnostic origin.  Bishop Pat Schwab did an excellent job at painstakingly researching this topic and presenting the information for all to read and formulate their own thought on.  Bishop Pat summed it all up in three sentences,

"Within this course on Gnosticism, I have only laid at the threshold the facts enticing the seeker to continue their journey beyond that which I have given. I know from my own study scratching the surface is only the beginning of a journey. As with any investigation of anything one needs to take the steps."
How very true.  The search for enlightenment, finding your inner Light, preparing yourself to reach the next plane of existence, all begins with questions and then researching to find the answers. 

Bishop Pat Schwab goes on to say,

"The church as I have mention went out of their way to destroy Gnosticism at any cost. Today's Gnostic Society has done a lot to bring forth the lost gospels and mystery text presenting them to the public. Can one become a convert to Gnosticism? Surely doing so can open fields of study to us, and, as well, the scholars.
In today's society it is becoming more and more common for many to seek out the inner-self and as well to find that light within us that seems to spark every time that a path of discovery opens to us. With each of these inner creations we have discovered that there is more to us as well as that which surrounds us.
No longer is the greater majority letting one minister or denominational tell them the do's and don'ts of their teachings. What may be said, as gospel truth is being questioned? No longer is biblical knowledge held by the select few. Ministries are beginning to realize that teaching, other than DEMANDING, brings the congregation a better understanding as they welcome the questions that arise out of their sermons and bible studies. No longer have the truths been hidden from us as they are available to us, not only on the web, but also in bookstores and other places. If one has the desire to seek the TRUTHS, LIES AND ILLUSIONS one only needs to open the pages of those books that by some are considered heretic yet opens a world of interest to the seeker."

I have to say that I was closed minded before I started this course.  I held to the traditional thoughts of the Holy Trinity, Jesus as Savior, the Bible was the LAW for all to follow without question.  When I read the Bible, and had questions, I pressed the "I believe" button as most people do.  This course changed that for me.  I DO have questions.  I DO wonder how valid the Bible actually is.  I do believe that the Bible does hold some true scripture, but, I also believe that many words were changed to place a "Fear of God" in the masses of the time, thus allowing the church to control and influence the masses.  

As a result, I have taken the time to begin researching for the answers I seek.  I am trying to find out the validity of the Bible by looking into the books not considered "Holy" by the orthodox church at the time.  Through translations and manipulations and heavy influences, the Bible was not assembled until the early 4th century A.D.  By reading many of the books NOT included (and also, that survived because many were destroyed when not accepted) in the Bible, I have started to understand what God wanted for us.  I am beginning to understand the steps I need to take to reach that next plane of existence.  A thirst for knowledge has entered into me and I believe that each and every one of us need to do whatever they feel right to find their inner Light.

Thank you Universal Life Church for offering this course and Thank you Bishop Pat Schwab for presenting this information.  It has changed my life and views on religion.

I have launched a campaign to find out the truth for my own inner salvation.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, one on  Wicca, one on Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Buddhism Course

Master of Buddhism

The questions asked for this final essay are what enjoyed , disliked and learned from this program. I will hold off from doing a cut and paste of information from previous discourses and will instead share from my heart. I feel that anybody can quote facts, but this program was more than only information for me to parrot back to you.

At the time that I signed up for this class, I had already been researching Buddhism as a likely alternative, or addition to my daily spiritual life.

The basics I'd previously studies were reinforced in this course, both in readings and when I put it into.  I will begin by saying, that I did like this course very much and I did learn a fair amount from it.

I'll first say that I enjoyed the focus on compassion and loving kindness. These two practices, and their corresponding meditations, have taught me much and helped me to bring those two precepts into my daily life even more. The level of compassion is what first had my interest in Buddhism. I liked the way this course focused on precepts, ethics and ideas that can be practiced, and not just various facts of history, although those were interesting as well.
I really enjoyed the FAQ's in Week 20, since those are so commonly asked by non-buddhists to practictioners.

I found it very interesting on the detail that we went into on the beginnings of Buddhism, the decisions that were made for monks and nuns, and the vows and lives they are required to live, even to this day. The Buddha seemed to lead his followers by having them think through their choices, and the ramifications each would have.

It is unfortunate, to me in a sense, that so many branches of Buddhism, or schools, have been formed over the centuries, but on the other hand, I feel this is just what happens when humans get involved in anything that is left up to interpretation. This has happened not only in Buddhism, but Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths as well. It highlights the need in humans to take something special, and make it their own, or in some cases, to "dumb it down" or water it down.

The Four Noble Truths, and the corresponding Eight Fold Path, seem so very simple, and yet, to put them into regular practice requires much meditation and concentration and a change of heart to see, as it is said, all sentient beings to be free from suffering. I will say that at first, all the "little" rules and precepts that followed the original teachings of the Buddha seemed like alot, but they also show how thought out and detailed Buddhist practice is and can be.

In reality, Buddhism is not even a religion in the most common sense of the word. It is a practice, a philosphy, and maybe even a faith, but in the purest sense, a person does not "worship" Buddha. He looks up to the Buddha and can aspire to be like him, but he is not a diety, to most buddhists that is. I realize that some may worship him as a diety, but he never claimed to be that.

With that in mind, the spiritual aspect of Buddhism is more subtle, with the focus being more on the mind, the discipline of the mind, and the "reprogramming" of the mind for the good of one and all. Meditation practice has certainly changed my life. There are some days when I meditate on emptiness, or impermanence, or some other buddhist idea, and I find peace in these things. There are other days when I meditate on deeper personal issues and I feel and experience a more spiritual consequence or reward for lack of a better word.

I know what Buddha and many buddhists believe and taught about reincarnation. I am still unsure of how I think on this, but I will say that I know look upon death as a part of the cycle of life and by admitting that nothing is forever and all created things are impermanent, death now looks like something less of an enemy, which is what is taught in many other faiths, and more like a piece of the puzzle of my life that is expected and needed at the right time.

I will close with what I considered to be the most profound statement that I learned in this course.
When the Buddha was asked if he was a god, he said no. He stated, " I am awake."

I love the simplicity of that statement. To the point, and to be aspired to.

Thank you for this program and for your time.

Rev. Mark J. Larose

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 
Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button. 
The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.
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The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.
The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training.
As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Spiritual Development

Dr. of Spiritual Development                                                
Final Essay by Catherine Tessier

This course is an in-depth study in the use of focused concentration and visualization to teach one how to move beyond a life that unfolds purely by happenstance to one that is rich in possibility and probability.

The methods outlined in the course materials were both plausible and challenging; but it was not until the introduction of the Prime Wave, that I began to fully realize that my life's journey was mine for the planning.  

Using the Internet, the largest known worldwide network, as my starting point, I began to visualize a different kind of web; one that has been around much longer: the Prime Wave.

I started planning my journey by testing my understanding of the Prime Wave via pertinent questioning:

What is the Prime Wave?
It is the web of life which was set in motion at the beginning of time, by our creator.

Where is it?
It is everywhere; a multi-dimensional living map, ever growing and ever changing, either haphazardly, or by design, or some would believe, by luck.  Each one of us is tasked with creating the streets, avenues, roads and bridges, as well as clearing roadblocks, defining boundaries, side-stepping potholes and dealing with other unexpected or accidental events as we anticipate, encounter, or perceive them.

How do we get there?
All of Creation is within the Prime Wave, each making its own road as it is walked, experiencing the journey via the “thread” we perceive it to be.  One might experience peace and joy, a zest for life, fulfillment through service, or the experience of a struggle with sickness, disease, poverty, depression, and a myriad of feelings between these points.  We are all there – it is how we travel it that is important.  Some of us simply wake up each morning, place our feet on the ground, and follow a path created by rote or circumstances, maybe family tradition or societal expectations.  Others use focused concentration, meditation, and visualization, and through the law of Sympathetic Vibration seek out attractive possibilities, and strive to move them higher up the ladder of probability, towards actual manifestation.

What else do we know about the Prime Wave?
The time actually spent in an active plan of concentrative focus is like holding a specific musical note, so it can find its complementary energy potential in the Wave.

What obstacles or roadblocks will we encounter?
Many and often.  The novice traveler will wander or flounder, sink or swim, catch  a gentle breeze like a leaf, ride a raindrop, or get caught in a fierce windstorm.  This is how strength and character develop. 

What tools do we need to bring with us?
Various tools will be presented as the tasks unfold.  At first, we may fumble with them due to the unfamiliarity.  This may lead to confusion, discomfort, blisters, or scars.  We may even put a tool down and give up the task.  Maybe we selected the wrong tool for the job at hand.  Maybe curiosity will bring us back to the toolbox.  Or maybe we will need to reevaluate our plan.

Do I have the means to make the journey?
We are created for the journey. No one of us is here without purpose. Every aspect of creation that we encounter will be both effected and affected by our own footprints.

Will I bring anyone with me?
The relationships in our daily life, even brief or infrequent encounters, are not creating our path.  They may influence our perceptions and decisions, or they may cause us to retreat or branch out.  But we are the one creating our path, with each step we take.  Each one of us must create our own path and follow our footsteps.  That's what is meant by “we create the road by walking it”.

What can I expect to find when I'm walking my road?
The simple answer is that we will find exactly what we expect to find.  The deeper meaning is that, what we perceive as our road trip, our road blocks, treasures to be uncovered, dark forests, or any part of our destination, is exactly what we will find.  Familiarity and mastering of the tools will give us the full understanding of how to maneuver on our thread of the Prime Wave.

What happens after I get there?
Look around  – no matter where we are, that's just where and what we are:  A living, breathing, blossoming, ever changing particle in the cosmos of life.

Thank you Dr. Crouch for this fascinating course.

Catherine Tessier

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity two courses in , Wicca, several in  Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. I have been a proud member of the ULC for many years and the Seminary since its inception.

The Universal Life Church offers handfasting ceremonies, funeral ceremonies and free minister training
As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge selection of Universal Life Church  minister supplies. Since being ordained with the Universal Life Church for so many years and it's Seminary since the beginning, I've watch the huge change and growth that has continued to happen.
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Sunday, January 09, 2011

Spirit Quest

Dear Amy,

I’m finally getting a chance to write down what I learned from the Spirit Quest course. It was a very good course, and although many things that were covered I learned during my Reiki and Spiritual Counselor courses.

I think that getting people to think in a new light can have a profound impact not only on themselves, but the people close to them which ripples out to the entire world. At times you may feel like you’re not doing much, but in fact everything we try to do positively does in fact have impact.

Some of the tools I found most useful I will list next.

First, a very important tool that all spiritual workers should learn is Protection. Without it, we soak up and carry other people’s energy with us whether bad or good. It’s like it wipes off them and super glues it to our aura which will seep into everything we touch and do. I had not used the protection rose before but used a protective purple bubble, so it was different, but an exciting way to look at and try a new form of visualization for protection. 

Another part I found very good was How Spirit Communicates. The numerology section was very good. I’ve been actually using a form of numerology for myself in times when numbers seem to just “stand out” and sure enough when added up, the numbers make total sense for what I’m looking for. Example: My favorite and resounding number has always been 9. When I started calling out for the Goddess to make herself known, Oya answered. Her magickal number is 9. When I’m not sure about something  or am trying to decide something, if 9 comes up I know it’s a sign of the positive nature and I should follow that path.

Getting Unstuck helped me a lot. I tend to hit bumps and now using the tools of amusement and the possibilities that there are other possibilities besides the one I’m “stuck” on… really opens my mind. It’s an amazing thought.  Here’s an example of how I’ve used this wonderful tool. I have a client that comes for Reiki. She’s been suffering with a rare pelvic disorder for over 3 years. She is constantly focusing in on the negative and how she feels she’ll never get better. I was getting sick of hearing this from her because it was nonconductive to her healing. The more comfortable I got with her, the more I started to get her laughing and thinking about other things. 

In fact one time I made the joke, “How about I drop a rock on your foot.” She looked at me stunned, “What’s that going to do?” she asked. I said, “Well, it’s going to hurt, but it will take your mind off the pelvic pain for a little while.” Well, this got her laughing and she started to lighten up. Since then she’s had better days and even communicates with crystals I use during her healing.
Sometimes when I’ve been with a patient I feel tired and heavy… this is when I realize that I need a good cleansing and clear my chakras. I cannot express how important the chakras are to our living systems and how we feel physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I hope this helps give a better understanding of how I have interpreted the course. I found through this course, I could focus better on my intents which has improved my Reiki sessions, I’ve found ways to better protect myself from sucking up other’s problems/energy, I’ve learned how to better communicate with higher beings and my spirit guides. I notice my hands although they’ve always been hot when I work on clients have become hotter and they tingle. I actually work up a sweat now when doing Reiki. I think it’s part and par because of the course.
I really enjoyed it and look forward to hopefully taking more in the future.

Many blessings,
Rev. Kimberly Bateau


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Saturday, January 08, 2011


Buddhism Final

Jean Pagano

The Buddhism course is one of the best courses I have taken at ULC. It is a perfect blend of philosophy, history, and wisdom, blended together in an unbiased overview of one of the world’s great religions.
One of the truly beautiful things about the Buddha is that he is, first and foremost, a man. He is not a divinity, he is a man. Since the rest of humanity is also just men/women, then one can aspire to what the Buddha has attained because of this commonality. This is truly revolutionary and, quite frankly, refreshing.
The Four Great Vows, a) to save all people; b) to renounce all worldly desires; c) to learn all the teachings; and d) to attain perfect enlightenment, are all great guides. In this modern technological age, renouncing all worldly desires is very, very difficult, if not impossible. This is especially so in the Western world.
The Four Noble Truths are powerful in both their simplicity and their interconnectedness: a) all life is suffering; b) the cause of suffering is desire; c) the end of desire leads to the end of suffering; and d) the way to end desire, and hence to end suffering, is to follow the Eightfold path.
The Eightfold path is the blueprint to break the cycle of suffering. It is simply stated, but within its simplicity is a very difficult process. It truly takes a remarkable individual to follow these tenets, in my opinion. While I may attempt to do so, I know that I cannot accomplish them all – at this time. The Eightfold path is: a) Right View or Right Understanding; b) Right Thought or Right Intention; c) Right Speech; d) Right Action; e) Right Livelihood; f) Right Effort; g) Right Mindfulness; and h) Right Concentration.
An aspirant looks to the Three Jewels: a) the Buddha; b) the Dharma (or the teachings of Buddha); and c) the Sangha (the Buddhist community). There is great refuge to be found in the Master, in his works, and in the community of like-minded individuals.
From a historical perspective, the differences between Theraveda and Mahayana were very interesting. In great movements, schisms are inevitable, yet the differences between the two give some insights into the religion itself.
The Six Worlds present an interesting dissection of life: Gods, anti-Gods, humans, animals, hungry-ghosts, and hell-beings. Surrounding these worlds are the twelve links of dependent arising. They are ignorance or spiritual blindness, karma, consciousness, name and form, the five senses and the faculty of thinking, contact, feelings/emotions, craving, grasping, becoming, birth, and aging, decay, and death.
The ten fetters are so very important and interesting. They are: self-belief, doubt, superstition, sensual desire, ill will, materialism, a lust for anything without form or shape, awareness of superiority and inferiority, agitation, and ignorance. The Four Stages of Enlightenment describe one’s journey on the path to Enlightenment: the Stream-Enterer, who has freed themselves from the first three fetters; the Once-Returner, who has freed themselves from the fourth and fifth of the fetters; the Non-returner who has completely freed themselves from the first five fetters and will be reborn in the heaven of the Pure Abodes, where they will gain enlightenment; and Arahant, who will not be reborn but will enter parinirvana.
The differences between Theravada and Mahayana give some excellent insight into the differences between the two major schools of Buddhism. I found the Basic Points Unifying the Theravada and the Mahayana to be especially powerful especially the one that proclaims “We do not believe the world is created and ruled by God”. To me, this one statement repudiates much of modern Western religion. I agree, with whole heart, the basic premise of this statement. I particularly like the Mahayana concept of the Bodhisattva, one who returns to the world in order to bring everyone to Enlightenment.
The Buddhist vow to not kill speaks directly to me. As a vegetarian, I am ultimately concerned with the well-being of animal, vegetable, and mineral entities. This is one of the highest moral requirements, as I see it. I am glad to see that Buddhism is thriving across the world. It places the requirements on the individual and does not lean upon messiahs or prophets to attain enlightenment, wisdom, or goodness. All of these things remain in the realm of the individual. Therefore, the individual sets out upon the path of enlightenment and achieves it by following the requirements set down by Buddha.
This course is a complete overview of Buddhism and gives the learner all of the tools they need to investigate, engage, and attain an understanding of Buddhism. I would highly recommend it.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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