Seminary Program

This is where we post the essays from many of our Universal Life Church Seminary students. When students finish a ULC course, they write a comprehensive essay about their experiences with the course, what they learned, didn't learn, were inspired by, etc. Here are their essays.

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Doctor of Spiritual Development Course - Essay

                                               Doctor of Spiritual Development Course - Essay
                                                                Donald A. Fiorito, Jr.
To begin with, I must say that I found this course to be of considerable value to me. Although it could be difficult, at times, to comprehend some of the concepts expressed with the totality of their implications, the effort is most assuredly worth it. The homework assignments range from "do able" to, often, downright difficult. However, Dr. D. Crouch is to be commended for writing a course of such significant value. His particular style of writing is quite provocative thus causing one to constantly question his/her thoughts, assumptions and personal biases.

This is not the type of course to be taken lightly, and certainly not one, once finished by the limitations of a linear time constraint, to be considered over and done. This is the kind of course that is never over; is never done; and is always… on going. After the first few lessons, I started to realize the magnitude of the information, concepts, techniques, and gems of practical wisdom written within its pages. In addition, I knew that what was being expressed was valid and true because it coincided with many of my own personal life experiences.

Here written down in a clear, logical manner for all to behold was an approach for living a healthier life, getting more in touch with an individual's true inner self, and even the possibility of connecting with the divine. However, the "Rub Is", this journey is far from easy. It requires many things, but, among them is a burning passion for self-awareness, truth, discovery, complimented with boundless perseverance.  Saying it another way,   I was shocked to see , written here ,thoughts, ideas ,experiences, and self-improvement  methods and techniques that have taken me a considerable part of my life time to come across. This course jump starts the individual's developmental process with focus.

If ten people critiqued this course there could be ten essays that appear quite different because of the vast amount of material expressed within it. However, they really are not. They are only expressing different aspects of the course that appealed most to them. What follows are just some of mine.

I liked the neuro-linguistic programing techniques, the giving of permissions to try or succeed, the questioning of biases and the filters that people unknowing use each day to make important assumptions, decisions that critically affect their lives. The intent of focus and trying to quiet down the chatter and clatter in our external and internal worlds is quite scary to some folks. They might realize when the noise goes off that they are unique in and of themselves and that what they do really does matters to themselves and others.

Of special interest to me personally, are the sensory modalities and positive words that one says to ourself.  " I can ,I will, I must , I have done, I will continue to do more, I will continue  to accomplish, I will strive for a better performance each time ,etc."  Contrary to the old rhyme "sticks and stones", bad thoughts, bad words can really hurt ones emotional psyche and physical body. Words, thoughts, ideas, perceptions are extremely important the way they are intermingled and expressed in language and in our mind.

Some may say that prayers, sacred trance, religious meditation, reading the bible, good deed s ,church activities are the appropriate ways  to attain spiritual development. What I am saying is that the approach expressed within this course's pages is simply… just another way. One way does not necessarily work for all. I say, find what works for you as an individual that will help you connect with the all, the  other, the cosmos, the multi-  alternate  universes, the divine…God.  I say this because I feel our nature is connected to the divine. To roughly recall a piece of learning from my youth- "There is a divine spark that animates us from the cradle to the grave if we are but willing to make the effort to seek it out."

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